Why Healthcare is such a big Target in Cybersecurity

Healthcare is a very specific industry that houses and organizes a large number of personal data to conduct operations. In the current digital day and age, many things are controlled over the internet. Healthcare organizations deal with highly sensitive information on a daily basis. They have to face challenges over compliance issues and the tightening […]

Understanding Third Party Risk

If you know anything about cyber security, you are probably well aware of the 2017 data breach at Equifax that exposed the sensitive financial and personal data of roughly 150 million Americans. But did you know that it wasn’t directly caused by a flaw in Equifax’s cyber security? The hackers were able to access Equifax’s […]

Review and summary of 2021 IBM Cost of Data Breach Report

IBM’s data breach report is a leading cyber security report. In its 17th year edition, it has unveiled some of the most surprising impacts of a data breach in the current and past years. It offers IT managers and security leaders plenty of insight into the factors that help mitigate the rising cost of data […]

Cyber Crime is on the Rise with Many Small Businesses at Risk of Cyber Threats

With small businesses becoming more reliant on a digital landscape, products and services are more accessible to customers, but cyber threats are a growing cause for concern. Not only can understanding the world of cybercrime be difficult for those who aren’t familiar with the nuances of the internet, but it can also be costly for […]